Thursday, April 19, 2012

Addison Moore Week on SupaGurl Books! May 1 - 8

So I'm sure you've noticed the banner above :) I will be hosting Addison Moore all week May 1st thru 8th and I am UBER excited!!

Here is what you can expect: 

May 1st - Review of Ethereal and an Interview with Marshall
May 2nd - Review of Tremble and LOGAN does an Interview
May 3rd - Question and Answer All About Addison Day
May 4th - Review of Burn and Chloe is interviewed
May 5th - Review of Wicked and GAGE is Interviewed by Addison :) 
May 6th - Surprise Day - Exclusive Logan Oliver POV
May 7th - Vex and Expel Exclusive Deleted Scenes
May 8th - Surprise Day - Exclusive Gage Oliver POV

 Addison Moore - Blog | Twitter
Are you excited?? I AM! I am telling you it's going to be awesome b/c even with all the awesome above ... There will be GIVEAWAYS!! each day :) 


  1. Pretty awesome:) Will check out this series!

  2. Sounds like a great week on Supa Gurl Books, of course it's always a great time over here!! Can't wait to see all the awesome!!

  3. I will definitely check this out, especially since you have an awesome animation of James Marsters!

  4. Guys I am so excited for this!!! I cannot wait to get started :)

  5. I love these books! These books, the characters, the story line, the location(s).... They are exceptionally set apart from any of the YAPR that I have read. Well, any genre for that matter! Thank you so much for hosting this totally cool event! It's a nice way to start the day or the nice way to bring the day to a close, after a long day at school or work! Awesome wicked fun!!!!

  6. I love the Celestra Series!! I am so addicted, love the interviews with Addison:-)


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