Welcome to Day 4 of Addison Moore week!! If you have made it this far with us, We have talked to Marshall, Logan and Addison...Today we will hear from *gasp* Chloe... Dunnnn dunnn duuuuunnnnn!!!
Sixteen year-old, Skyla Messenger is having difficulties with the living and the dead. With Chloe’s diary in her hands, Skyla embarks into the mind of one of Paragon’s most twisted former residents. After accidentally kick-starting the faction war, Skyla finds herself in more danger than ever before. So, when Marshall offers her a taste of the gift of knowing, Skyla attempts to use it to alter the outcome of future prophesies. And now that Skyla’s love life seems to involve one boy too many, she must choose who to be with. If she waits too long, the decision just might be made for her.
Find Addison Moore Hanging out at these places
And now.... an interview with the one and only Twisted girl that is Chloe
Character Interview: Chloe Bishop
AM- Wow, I’m really glad to speak with you today. You’ve amassed quite the reputation on the island as the wicked mean girl. Any truth to these rumors?
Chloe – I guess it would depend who you trusted. If you asked my friends I think they would count me as loyal and forgiving. If you talked to my enemies they would suggest otherwise. If you talked to Skyla Messenger she would tell you her version of the truth, but she only knows part of the story.
AM- What do you mean she only knows part of the story? Doesn’t she know that you were responsible for more than one tragedy in her life? Isn’t that enough?
Chloe – It’s enough if you that’s all you’re interested in. She replaced me in more ways than one, but I have my methods of dealing with people like that.
AM- So you’re not done with her? You’ve already taken from her the two people she loved most.
Chloe – Have I? Or does she love herself the most?
AM – What motivates you? Power, love?
Chloe – I have both. What motivates me is hatred. Hatred is the one constant in my life that I can count on.
AM- Shouldn’t you rely on love—focus your attention on kindness and forgiveness?
Chloe – That’s for the weak, the powerless.
AM- I’ve come to understand that you have an affection for Gage and yet you’re with Ethan Landon. How does that work for you?
Chloe – Gage. (Malevolent smile) Gage and I have an understanding. Ethan (averts eyes) I need him to trust me, and he does.
AM- Who do you see yourself marrying, raising a family with?
Chloe – (Takes a breath at the thought) I will marry Gage.
AM- You seem fairly confident about this.
Chloe – I don’t waste my time on doubt.
AM- What are your thoughts on Skyla? Who do you think she might be most likely to spend her life with?
Chloe – Skyla? I hope Skyla burns. I’d like to arrange for that myself. I think a nice bath in lighter fluid and a match would do her some good. In fact, she can give Logan and that Sector she has wrapped around her vagina both a nice long hug in the process. Now there’s a sight I’d pay to see, record it so I can watch it over and over.
AM- Sounds like a felony in the making. Tell me one more thing about yourself, something that would surprise the world if they new it.
Chloe – I have a secret.
AM- I thought you might. Feel like divulging?
Chloe – I’ll never tell. But you will, won’t you? I hope you go to hell.
AM- On that note, I think this interview is over.
WOW, she is even a bitch to Addison... I wonder if A needed a drink after that one? LOL she gets me to...
1st - some of my fave quotes from this book... "Marshall, a.k.a. Studley Dudley" sorry this was funny to me :)
and then..."I contemplate the finer skills I've picked up since moving to the island-liar, cheat, thief, oh yeah-murderer. At least Paragon is molding me into a well-rounded asshole." Oh how I love Skyla!
Chloe's diary is in Skyla's hands now... Oh WOW! This is highly telling as to what kind of person Chloe really is. Skyla gets into reading it and just cannot stop. She's finding out all kinds of juicy details about Everyone.
We get more into what makes a Celestra and kinda what the Sectors are all about...One in particular. I loved this one there is suspense, Love, mystery and more!
Skyla: Poor girl she has 3 guys who are professing their love for her so what's a girl to do when your heart is in love with all 3 ... kinda. I love how Addison does this... a normal teenage girl can totally love more than 1 person, I know I did then. She is being torn 3 different ways and dealing the best she can. Each time she tries to help it gets screwed up in the most major way.....again glad to see that everything is not "perfect" all the time cause lets face it nothing in life is that way.
Marshall.... oh how I love to hate him!! This go round he has Skyla kissing him so she can share in his visions of what is coming ... and yeah that's all Imma say about that :(
The end of this one is like...

and everything begins to change and shake the hell out of you!
GET THIS SERIES if you haven't b/c it is SOOO worth the read!! whooot
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Um...well...WOW... Chloe is definitely being true to her nature. I gotta tell you, Chloe's realization that Addison will reveal her secret was so funny!!! ROTFLMAO She really has no brain filter and calls it like she sees it! I can't help apologizing for her (I don't think she is sorry for anything)Sorry Addison but, you can handle that hateful bitch. I was wondering if we were going to get to hear from her. I'm glad we got an interview with that scandalous twit, it was still very enjoyable! It never occured to me until now, I think Tad would be an interesting interview. Tad is such a pecker!LOL
ReplyDeleteShe was both entertaining and a little frightening to interview! lol! You're right, Tad would be awesome.
Deletechloe is definitely living up to her reputation, i kinda love her though. I'm still waiting for Gage it's killing me. I thought today will be his day and i was so excited because of that....please please supagurl get a hold of Gage for us
ReplyDeleteI definitely have a love hate relationship with Chloe. Her scenes are usually fun to write. And Gage? *calling Gage* I'll see what I can do. ;)
DeleteThere is no hope for Chloe , I feel sorry for her because she has so much hate in her but her time will come karma is a bitch !
ReplyDeleteI think you're 100% correct. Her time will come.
DeleteAgain....slow, painful, Ezrina style execution? Ugh..she makes me feel stab happy too!
ReplyDeletelol! I can hear Ezrina sharpening the blades already...
DeleteChloe is an evil little witch. I can't wait to see what happens to her in the end. Hopefully the punishment fits!
ReplyDeleteI can only hope. It might surprise you. ;)
DeleteUgh moving on I think i'll go back and read marshall's interview to calm down before I strangle someone lol stupid ..girl lol great job you guys :)
ReplyDeleteYes, Marshall has the ability to make the world right for me, too. ;)
DeleteThats the Chloe we have come to know and love(kidding). I wouldnt expect anything less from her! hahaha. Great interview!
ReplyDeleteI really didn't either. ALthough, she threw me for a loop a the end, but I'll have the last laugh.
DeleteThe sooner you kill her off the happier I'll be. Ugh. Chloe.
ReplyDeleteKill her off??? What didn't I think of that!!! ;) Now, who to give the honors to.....
DeleteME ME!! I'll kill her! OO OOO. Let Ezrina do it! She'd take a piece at a time. Muhahahaha!
DeleteUgh, I detest her sooo much! Addy I hope you make her PAY! As for her being with Gage... I think that if Skyla doesn't want him then Chloe shouldn't have him either. #TeamGage
ReplyDeleteI SO agree. We'll see what Gage decides. ;)
DeleteNever liked that girl. Never liked the name "chloe" either, lol, so I guess it's no big loss. Scary little bitch, isn't she? I liken her to a certain...female...(name withheld to protect my stomach) that I seriously dislike. Only Chloe is smarter. Which is scary.
ReplyDeleteHa! Is that girl in real life or a character? Too funny! And, yeah, Chloe is smart. Disturbing.
DeleteI hate Chloe! But she does keep things interesting. Lol
ReplyDeleteUGH!!!! I hate that B____! I wish she would take the bath in lighter fluid! I know there is more to her story and I have this feeling that we need her to fight this war, but god I hate her. In the end I think she will get Gage and Skyla will get Logan (Sigh) and well Marshall will GO AWAY!!!